The Anchor Inn, Sutton Gault, Sutton near Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 2BD
Telephone: 44 (0)1353 778537 Fax: 44 (0)1353 776180 Email: [email protected]
From Ely and the east Take
the A142 westwards to Sutton. At Sutton roundabout, turn left and go
straight through the village on the B1381 following the signs to Earith
and St Ives. Sutton Gault is signposted on your right just before you
leave Sutton. The Anchor is one mile down this lane, on your left, by
the New Bedford River.
From London M11 and Cambridge Continue
along the M11 until it becomes the A14 heading towards Huntingdon.
After a mile or so, exit left at Bar Hill heading north on the B1050
passing through Longstanton and Willingham. After 8 miles you will
reach a junction on a bridge over the river Ouse, just before Earith.
Turn right, then immediately left on the B1381 signposted to Chatteris,
Ely and Sutton. After 3 miles, you enter Sutton village and Sutton
Gault is signposted on your left. The Anchor is one mile down this
lane, on your left, by the New Bedford River.
From the North, the Midlands and the M1 Take the A14, leaving at St Ives or Bar Hill. Follow the final instructions above.
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